Oh, You Hate Feminism?

Anubha Saxena
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

In a world where equality is as ubiquitous as unicorns it’s truly puzzling — and by puzzling, I mean eye-roll inducing — that feminism still manages to ruffle feathers. 🙄 Welcome to the paradox of the century: hating feminism in a society where equality is, according to some, as accomplished as ordering pizza on a Friday night. Spoiler alert: It’s not.


The Elephant In The Room 🐘

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room: the colossal misunderstanding of what feminism actually stands for. Feminism, dear friends, is not about women supremacy, nor is it about men hating. It’s about equality — yes, that elusive concept that everyone talks about but somehow never sees in practice. The goal is simple: equal rights and opportunities for all genders. Shocking, I know.

“But Men and Women Are Already Equal!” — Said No Statistic Ever 📊

To the chorus of “But we’ve achieved equality! Why the feminism fuss?” let’s bring in some fun facts and figures (because who doesn’t love a bit of data to burst their bubble?). According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020, it will take another 99.5 years to achieve global gender parity. Yep, you heard that right. We’re so close yet so far, with only a century to go! Hang in there, great-great-granddaughters.

And before the naysayers jump in with “But in developed countries, women have equal rights!” let’s not forget the gender pay gap, shall we? On average, women still earn about 82 cents for every dollar earned by men for comparable work in the United States, as reported by the American Association of University Women (AAUW). But sure, equality has been achieved. 🤔

The F-Word: Feminism or Fear? 😱

So, why the hate on feminism? Could it be that the F-word is actually another F-word — fear? Fear of change, fear of losing privilege, or fear of the unknown? Feminism challenges the status quo, and let’s be honest, change is scary. But scarier still is a world where half the population is systematically disadvantaged just because of their gender.

The Real Enemies: Stereotypes and Misinformation 🚫

One of the biggest hurdles feminism faces is the barrage of stereotypes and misinformation. Feminists are often painted as angry, man-hating, and unreasonable. Thanks to these stereotypes, the real message of feminism gets lost in translation. The truth is, feminists come in all shapes and sizes, and yes, that includes men. Feminism is not an exclusive club; it’s a movement for everyone who believes in equality.

In Conclusion: Wake Up and Smell the Inequality ☕

So, to those who roll their eyes at feminism and declare it unnecessary in today’s world, it’s time to wake up and smell the inequality. Hating on feminism because you believe equality has been achieved is like cancelling your gym membership because you’ve seen a dumbbell. It’s premature and, frankly, a bit silly.

Feminism is not the problem; complacency and ignorance are. So, let’s put on our feminist glasses and take a closer look at the world around us. Only then can we truly understand the importance of feminism and work towards a future where equality is not just a dream but a reality. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 🌈


  • World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020
  • American Association of University Women (AAUW) Report on the Gender Pay Gap



Anubha Saxena

Co-Founder of @thebanyantee 👕 Smashing glass ceilings 🔨🚀 Feminist | Equality Advocate 👭❤️ Digital Artist 🖱️ Logophile 📖 Melomaniac 🎧 35 Under 35 🏆