Aren’t Women Already Equal?

Anubha Saxena
2 min readMar 4, 2024

Well, in a Parallel Universe, maybe.. 🤔

Oh, the age-old question that echoes through the hallowed halls of internet forums and family dinners alike: “Aren’t women already equal?” Sure, if by equal, we mean having the luxury of earning, on average, about 82 cents to a man’s dollar in the U.S., as of the latest stats from the U.S. Department of Labor. Who needs that extra 18 cents anyway?💰 It’s not like it adds up to thousands of dollars a year or anything.

And let’s talk about representation. Women hold a whopping 25% of seats in the U.S. Congress as of 2021. Equality is practically oozing out of those hallowed chambers, with women being so overrepresented that they almost make up a quarter of the decision-making body. Move over, men, the women are taking… well, a quarter of the room. 🟰

But wait, there’s more. When it comes to leadership roles, women are breaking those glass ceilings into tiny, manageable pieces that can easily be swept under the corporate rug. As of 2020, a staggering 7.4% of Fortune 500 CEOs were women. That’s right, folks.😲 Over 7% of big company CEOs can now wear skirts to work if they want to, and no one can say a thing about it. Progress!

And who can forget the ever-present issue of unpaid labor? Women around the globe continue to enjoy the privilege of doing significantly more unpaid housework and childcare than men. 👩‍👧 According to the OECD, in some countries, women spend up to twice as much time on unpaid work. Talk about getting a bargain deal on labor!

But let’s not overlook the strides made in education, where women have been outpacing men in university degrees for years. Yes, women are earning more degrees, which naturally leads to… well, still struggling to catch up in wages and leadership positions. But hey, they’re highly educated while doing it! 👩🏽‍🏫

So, are women already equal? If you tilt your head, squint really hard, and live in a state of blissful denial, then sure, women are absolutely basking in the glow of equality. 🌟 But back here in reality, where facts are stubborn and gender disparities persist, we’ve still got a long road ahead.



Anubha Saxena

Co-Founder of @thebanyantee 👕 Smashing glass ceilings 🔨🚀 Feminist | Equality Advocate 👭❤️ Digital Artist 🖱️ Logophile 📖 Melomaniac 🎧 35 Under 35 🏆